A user friendly journey

Product UX/UI design

You’ve put a lot of caffeine, sweat, and tears into your startup, so a product that will solve your user’s needs through a meaningful online experience is definitely what you deserve.

From ideation to execution, careful design thinking goes into the UI/UX design process. As a freelance product designer, I will ensure your digital product not only looks great but is carefully crafted to help solve your user’s needs.

Solving complex problems does not require a complex interface, in fact, the ultimate complexity is often simplicity.


A typical project is normally completed in the five key phases. Depending on your business needs, your project may include all or some of these.

UX/UI design key phases:
+ Research - Qualitative or Quantitative research and synthesis of the research
+ Empathise - User personas and journey mapping
+ Create - Userflows and wireframes
+ Test - Usability testing & clickable prototype
+ Design - User interface design

discover the key phases...

phase one


Many startups don’t understand who their customers are and what they actually want. In this phase, I dive deep into research to understand your user’s demographics, the needs that your product meets, and identify their problems.

This phase is critical to a successful UX strategy, as it provides the baseline data that will drive all design decisions.

In order to build a successful startup, you need to understand your users. To understand your users, you need to uncover their needs that they themselves, may not even be aware of. Crazy right? Oh the excitement that this brings!


phase two

Empathise and understand

In this phase, a combination of either personas or empathy mapping will be used to ensure that any bias from design is removed and there is alignment across the whole team.

Understanding the user’s current or desired future experience is just as important as anything else. This will help me convey the customer’s actions and feelings when using a service.


Phase three


Now that I understand your user’s pain points and their needs, It’s time to turn those insights into actions creating valuable initial deliverables. Keeping the user in mind as the user flows and wireframes are created. What are these you may ask? Well, these show the steps and screens within the process of your product/application - think of it as a blueprint for a house. What will guide you through the magic.


Phase four

Usability /User testing

During this phase, gaining feedback quickly from users is the main goal. Testing the designs with real users through clickable prototypes is an efficient way to gain feedback quickly and validate or invalidate the hypothesis.


Phase five

Digital design magic happens

Now it’s time to bring your product to life through beautiful visuals and interactions. All visual interactive elements of the UI are designed, these include but not limited to: buttons, icons, spacing, typography, colour schemes, and responsive design. All things pretty through digital design for web & mobile, your products experience will feel just as good as it looks.


 Wondering what kind of magic we can create together? Take a little looksie at some of our superstar startups kicking butt!

ready to create some magic?

Let’s build a business you dream of!